Sunday, December 19, 2010


I confess to being mortified when I sat down about 4 weeks ago to help Hannah do her homework. This week one of the tasks was to write a letter to Santa. So unsuspectingly I asked Hannah: "What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas, Hannah?" I got her to repeat her answer a few times although despite her poor intelligibility - I had heard it right - I just couldn't believe it and got her to repeat it a few times - but yes my sweet little princess, my delicate flower that i am so protective of, the little redheaded brat - wants a 'gun an' Dora costume'.
I was shocked, right to the bottom of middle class boots. It must be those naughty Italian boys that she is so fond of at school I declared to my husband. Even though I have to say in their defence that they might be wild but they are gorgeous and boy oh boy - they are just divine with little brat...
Driving home from work the other day I heard the tail end of Mitch Alum (?) speaking. Now I have heard all the hype about Tuesdays with Morrie but never really bothered with it. I was in tears listening to him speak. So many things struck a chord with me. He has a wonderfully poetic and self deprecating way of speaking. One thing he referred to was the 'only when your heart is broken is it whole' reference - and I have to say - it immediately made me think of when we got Hannah's diagnosis and our journey since. Such a life changing event. It doesn't sit right to say that it 'broke my heart' because she makes me so happy and proud today but it was certainly a shattering event where the walls crumbled down leaving DH and myself very exposed and vulnerable but somehow gloriously free. I think that is what parenting is like for most of us but especially if your child has special needs. So yes I do feel like my heart has changed with the birth of my twins but I still wouldn't say that it is broken simply that it is working bigger and better now...

PS I wonder if she'll be so tough when her Aunty takes her to get her ears pierced this week? She has been wanting them done since she was at least 3 and I always put her off saying "not until you are 6" Well, she's 6 now. My SIL has promised not to tell me if she faints...I'll be cowering nearby in a coffee shop.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Beautiful post Shelley. Good luck with the ear piercing. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!