Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas concert

Peter Kearney sang with the school kids for our Christmas concert. My favourites were Do you hear what I hear? (sung with the kindys) and Lord of the Dance - but what child who went to any Catholic school in the 70s doesn't love that one? Anyway - it was a lovely night - really felt Christmassy for the first time so far. Hannah ended up (by fluke) being front and centre and did a great job next to her very gorgeous friend Anthony S who almost stole the show he was so cute. Kit luckily was at the end of the middle row - that boy never stands still - he fell off the stage twice! I am just glad he wasn't up the back row - cos he is quite tall - he would have toppled everyone down!
Sung in German and English... lovely
It is alway a mystery just where and with whom I will wake up at the moment. Last night it seems that I went to my own bed with DH only to wake up at about 4 with terrible stomach pains and Hannah in bed with me. A couple of hours later Kit came in for a cuddle too. Eventually I got up - only running a little bit late but feeling: pooped - that is the best way to describe us at the moment. I am so tired - just want everything to stop for a while but hey - I haven't even baked a Christmas cake let alone spring cleaned the linen closet, done all the present shopping, thought about the Christmas lunch. I have however worried about the bills...oh my this is an expensive time of year - so what did I do after this sleep in? Bought myself a new frock of course! Crazy aren't I?
Took a final photo for this post - Hannah after school crashed out on the bean bag for a good sleep - only forgot to put the camera card in - so will leave it to your imagination - needless to say - she is hanging on by a thread at the moment - she is exhausted.

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