Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hannah is patting Kit to sleep. As I said they both are really enjoying role playing and imaginery play at the moment. They are jsut adorable together.

Stella - our child substitute has done very well since the twins were born. She is my first pedigree dog - a poodle (the manly name of Stella was kept so as my husband's first ever dog he could call her at the park - in imitation of the gutteral STELLA! from Streetcar Named Desire or for the more pop culture oriented as Elaine did in a fabulous Seinfeld episode some years back). Anyways I used to walk her every morning at our local park - even while I was pregnant, she sleeps with us and Phil has her trained to expect treaties after our dinner (a sample thanks!) and marshmallows/snakes or BBQ shapes as a midnight snack. She is great entertainment for hte twins. Kit is a bit more of a cat boy I think (must be in the name) but Hannah in particular loves Stella and signs 'star' for her name and has a good attempt at vocalising 'Stella' too. Stella for her part is a friendly dog who won't tolerate childish abuse but is happy to be around people - especially if they throw her favourite toy - a yellow duck she got as a welcome present form a friend of mine who also likes dogs. One day I would like to get teh twins their own dog - or maybe cat as they both respond so well to animals.


The twins and I have survived 5 days without my husband - Whoo Hoo! I know - for many people that is nothing but we are a very close family who also rarely spend time away from each other - I need him home for the 'witching hour'! Anyway I must admit that I have quite enjoyed it - am feeling a bit tired because the days are so full on and I tend to sit up late at night just pottering and setting my own agenda which is a bit of a treat I admit - not one I would want all the time but every now and again it is rather enjoyable! It reminds me that often I tend to end up doing 'jobs' on the weekend while Phil gets to play with the twins. Today I didn't get many 'jobs' done but had a ball at the park with the brats. We also had a lot of fun in our courtyard with its 'boats'.
Hannah's boat:

The separation is hard on the twins as they are not used to it - and Kit was already going through an 'I want Daddy' stage. He has coped beautifully - we have talked to Dad on the phone and I have reassured him whenever he asks that Daddy is coming home - in a little while. It has been a bit harder with Hannah as she doesn't communicate as much as Kit - one morning she kept signing Daddy (he normally gets their breakfast and feeds her her dinner too) and then one evening when I took something off her at the dinner table she cried and cried all the while saying (quite clearly - the good girl!-) 'Daddy, Daddy'. I tell her the same as I do Kit but I am not so sure that she accepts my explanation - after all at 2 the whole concept of someone being miles away, going on an aeroplane and the notion of time itself is pretty much on the can't grasp yet list.
Kit is a great helper. He is determined to do what we do and imaginary play is also very popular with him at the moment. Here he is sweeping out the back as he has seen his father and I do countless times before.

I know they will be overjoyed to have him return - even without the little gifts I happened to pick up for him to give them as treats - I know that it is unlikely he will have time to go to toy shops while he is there - when he isn't working he will be watching the football grand final with some friends of ours.

As for me - I am on HOLIDAYS!!!! Yay! Two weeks to enjoy the gorgeous spring weather we are having at the moment.


Michelle said...

Enjoy you holiday!!!

Stella is such a cute dog!

I love this age when they are role-playing and using their imagination. THat's so sweet that she was patting Kit to sleep!

The Mom said...

Whoo hooo - hope you have a great holiday and enjoy spring!

Kit and Hannah are so cute playing together. Looks like you have had lots of fun while daddy was gone. I can relate to you feeling tired though :) So glad your hubby will be home soon - I know I always love it when mine gets home from a business trip :) Thanks for sharing all your adorable pics!!!