Friday, November 06, 2009


I took the twins to kindy this week for orientation. So now I have gone to both possible schools. It went so well! I was very impressed - organised to within an inch of it's life but still a natural and fun event. We were greeted by various students and teachers thent he principal introduced some of her staff before sending the kids off to the kindy room for activities. Afterwards both teachers aids came up to let me know that Hannah ahd gone fine and one of the kindy teachers also came up. She was lovely and was keen to get as much info as possible this year - before Han starts school. We intend to have at least one other meeting later int he eyar to go over a few planning things. I am not just looking for a school for Han though - I have her brother to consider and I thought that it was clear that this school would be fantastic for BOTH my precious children. I know it's going to be hard but I think it could also be quite exciting and dare I say it - maybe even a little fun!

1 comment:

Lund7 said...

It was difficult for us to make the decision to find one school that would work for my twins too! When one has DS and the other doesn't, it makes it harder to find a school that will meet both their learning needs.

Sounds like you found a good kindy!