Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We had the twins' cousin Jacob come to play for a while on Saturday - they had great fun together - Kit especaially loved the game of chasings down our hall - and it was wonderful to see Hannah determined to join in - she can crawl very fast when she wants to!

I have been snowed under with work but managed to read the Memory Keepers Daughter - a book I would have liked regardless but I especially liked the way she wrote about Phoebe and the different characters relationships with Phoebe. As the mother of twins, all I had to do was look up at my own brats to see what Paul and Phoebe were missing out on - I also like that the book was not especially sentimental though and both Paul and Phoebe had full and complex lives without knowing of each other at all. Some of my favourite parts were Paul coming to terms with having a twin with Down Syndrome - and meeting her as an adult.

1 comment:

The Mom said...

Thanks for the book review, I've really been wanting to read this one. I'm definitely going to have to pick it up :)

The twins are sooo cute in their pictures! I can see Hannah's determination to keep up on her cute little face :) She's not going to be left behind :)