Sunday, September 17, 2006

Today we walked over to a friend's house. We met K through an old friend of my sister's - before he married K - in fact the first time I recall meeting her was not long before our wedding in 1994. Later we made friends with her best friend E and her husband. So today we went over to E's house to celebrate her birthday and on the walk home I couldn't help but think how luck we are to have such amazing and wonderful friends. When we first met we 'clicked' staraight away - then we used to go out to restaurants, play pool in local pubs and sit up all hours of the night drinking and playing music. Now we all have children. They are all gorgeous. The eldest - at 9 and 7 entertain the twins and the youngest at 9 months.

It was so nice to sit outside in the spring weather and enjoy the wonderful food and hospitality of these dear freinds. Both have totally accepted Han and are fiercely protective of her when need be. E is signing like the star she is with her little man. She is returning to work this week and I will be looking after Baby Hugo on Wednesdays until she can get that day at childcare - I can't wait besides the fact that he is gorgeous and sweet - he feels like my nephew. It will be fun to have three toddlers marauding through the house.

I am so grateful for the wonderful friendship of these women and their partners. They are truly kindred spirits. Here are some pics from our day ...


jotcr2 said...

Hi Shelley, Thanks for finding my Blog about Sheena. Twins! One of the girls in my DS coffee group has 10 month old twins. The boy has DS and the girl doesn't.

Michelle said...

looks like a fun time between friends!

The Mom said...

There's nothing more fun than spending a wonderful day with friends. It looks like you had a blast - thanks for sharing!

Camille said...

Hi Shelley,
You lucky girl heading into Spring. Here in Canada we are heading into Fall, and... Winter.
We had a wonderful Summer. Looks like yours is going to be awsome...
There is nothing like friends enjoying our children!!!