Thursday, August 28, 2008

The twin's aunty signs Batman Saves the Day for them at bedtime. Hannah now knows the sign for 'aunty'.
3 wise monkeys

Exercise theme for usic lessons:

Nan and their Dad's birthday celebration

Mum is back in hospital again. I can't say anything more on that - well I don't know what to say really ... anyways I spoke to her earlier tonight and she was sitting up and although she sounds tired and my poor father sounds so brave yet the most dispirited I have ever heard him ... lots of prayers are going their way I hope she is able to rest and come home soon.
"Pooh sat down on a large stone, and tired to think this out. It sounded to hi like a riddle, and he was never much good at riddles, being a Bear of Very Little Brain. So he sang Cottleston Pie instead:
... verse 3 ...
Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,
Why does a chicken, I don't know why,
Ask me a riddle and I reply:
Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie."


Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

The kids are as cute as ever. I'm sorry about your mom though, I'll be thinking of her.

The Mom said...

Awww - love the pics of the kids - they are getting oh so big! Keeping your mom in my prayers!

jotcr2 said...

I must look up the sign for aunty too, and Sheena's aunty is coming down in a couple of weeks.