Monday, February 11, 2008


As a fairly typical inner west middle class mama - I never thought I'd buy my kids toy guns. I don't have any objections with them 'creating' their own from whatever is available to them or playing with other kids' ones at their house but for me to actively go and buy one and then participate in garden warfare?? Well on Sunday after we planted some seedlings I caved and 'found' the water guns I bought the twins a few weeks ago. We had so much fun! I taught Kit some tactics - like hiding behind the Wiggle house before shooting at the enemy. P taught 'dirty tactics' - or should I say put blue food colouring in Kit's ammo - giving him a definite advantage - that stuff can really sticks and there is something very disconcerting about being 'shot' with bright bright blue water. Hannah will really benefit from 'pulling the trigger' - she is so gentle that it takes quite a bit of strength for her to get her weapon firing - hence she chose 'hand granades' of throwing cups of water about! We all had a ball.
Kit learns about playing with waterguns
hannah pours some water

1 comment:

Katie said...

Looks like fun!!
Dont know about the bright blue water though!!
Whats with the weather - its freezing today, i think winter is threatening us again.