It's been ages since I've updated - all has been well in the Dock except that my laptop died - hence my camera memory card is full and I have not posted in a while. The brats gave their first keyboard 'performance' which was very exciting. Hannah's glasses returned to us - they are currently a little bent but I will get that seen to when I get home. We were meant to be back in Sydney today but last night Hannah started throwing up and I was worried about her dehydrating so at 11.30 I rang the airlines about changing our flights which were booked for first thing the next morning. Wow - that wasn't a cheap experience - to try and minimise the cost we are on a ridiculously early flight tomorrow now. She is resting and obviously tired but hasn't vomitted now since late last night - so fingers crossed she picks up and neither Kit nor I start exhibiting symptoms.
We have been having a wonderful time up here. The brats thought Movie World was FANTASTIC. Kit has enjoyed marauding with his cousin who is just 1 year older than he. Hannah has mostly left them to it but does sometimes insist on joining in and plays 'Mummys and Daddys' with them for a while each visit. Anyways - hoepfully back in the Dock soon - with some piccies to upload. DH must be lonely without us!
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