I have also managed to start a Bargello butterfly quilt in Bali fabrics. I bought a Snow White panel which Hannah is excited about having made up into something for her. Tomorrow we ahve another kindy birthday party to attend. I am sure that they will be happy to see some of their school friends again.
We took the twins out of Sydney for a drive in the country - Richmond and Windsor which are in the Hawkesbury region of Sydney - everyone had a great day. We had lunch at a local cafe which of course the kids thought was a real treat.
The twins and I made some honey cake - check out how like the picture in the recipe book our efforts were!!
Fifa Fever has been here in the Dock. Dh has been getting up at 4.30am to watch games - our teams of course dropped out early but there has been plenty of enthusiasm anyway. Kit and his dad had a few games of soccer in the back yard - excuse DHs spotty pjs on the line - that is the goal area!
Winter is well and truly here so it was lucky that I had a little free time towards teh end of semester to quilt a couple of lap quilts for the loungeroom. I am getting tired of waking up toa wet deck every morning at least the skies are cloudy but rain generally holds off or is only very light.
My brats have really enjoyed the first week of their holidays.
The holidays began with a lovely party that the twins and I had a ball at - and then some new boots for each child as I realised (doh!) that they couldn't wear their school shoes all holidays...
Myself and some galfriends kicked up our boots at the annual turkey cooking festival. Anthony's AMAZING and DELICIOUS pumpkin pie made it back on the menu - by popular demand.
Hannah's chopping skills, like her cutting skills at school - have gone from strength to strength!
The boots are awesome.
I see Hannah is holding the knife.
And honey cake, Shirley! 15 years ago in a religous education class I read ahead about multicultural food, and honey cake was in there.
Maia also had an ear infection the last day of school term. I agree, shows a sign of being run down.
The honey cake looks impressive. Love the lap quilts. Looking forward to seeing the bargello butterfly quilt too.
Very impressed with Hannah's cutting skills too. Way to go Hannah!
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