Friday, October 30, 2009
I've been wondering why this one - (not an official diagnosis cos we aren't getting the formal assessment done) - which our fantastic ST says she thinks we are dealing with dyspraxia (verbal I'm assuming) has thrown me. I think it is because with DS and speech delay like other areas that kids with DS experience delay in - can be explained in terms of 'she will get there - just more slowly' ie the development is similar to that of typical development - just slower - so it is familiar and she will get there inher own tme and in her own way. Not so this diagnosis - and that is what has thrown me - it requires specific and intensive language/speech therapy of a particular style. We have already been doing a lot of it - but it is the 'official' and 'routine' and 'systematic' things that scare me. I don't want to let my precious girl down. I know it isn't autism but it feels like a need for something like ABA - and while I will do anything I possibly can to help Hannah - routine and systematic don't come easy to me. It's a challenge. I know she'll get there, in her own time and at her own pace but I wish she didn't have this additional difficulty to something as vital as speech.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Orientation trial 1
Yesterday I took the twins to an orientation mroning for kindy. While they were off being observed by the teachers in an activity centre I was in the hall being spoken to by the AP and Pres of the P and C Association. Han was certainly happy marauding in the playground prior to it all starting and afterwards she told em she'd had a goot time and sung incy wincy spider.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
ANyone have one of these? The Kindle 2 is now available down under - books a bit more limited and slightly dearer than in the US. Apparently the nook is unlikely to make it down here for a while if at all. I am thinking of buying one for DH. Are they a good idea?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Today we took the twins to an indoor play centre for their birthday party. Present were the children of our closest friends - And particular favourites of the twins. Also thier 3 cousins. Then there were some of Han's friends from EI and Rainbow CLub. Then a couple of Kit's LDC mates (who han also really lieks) and finally some of the kids Kit has befriended (and Hannah too) this year at preschool. Everyone had a blast. How exciting is it that they are now 5 and heading off to big school next year??? A great party. I know that we are lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives and to be able to do things like today's party. It was lots of fun.
After climbing all the play equipment everyone was ready to play some organised games...
Kit's in - once Hannah got the idea (well sort of!) for 'duck, duck, goose' - she thought she had to run everytime regardless of the fact that other children were now the duck and the goose!!- she changed her mind after a while - she tried cheating but when that didn't work - she decided to just wait her turn.
Hannah and Tom limbo
After climbing all the play equipment everyone was ready to play some organised games...
Kit's in - once Hannah got the idea (well sort of!) for 'duck, duck, goose' - she thought she had to run everytime regardless of the fact that other children were now the duck and the goose!!- she changed her mind after a while - she tried cheating but when that didn't work - she decided to just wait her turn.
Hannah and Tom limbo
Back to work, backk into routine - except for today where we have a SUPERHERO party on - the grand finale for the brats' turning 5 celebrations. I hope it goes well. There will be a mix of kids and parents so hopefully it will all click together - and I'll find Hannahs WOnder WOman costume before it starts.
Work is going well - althouh it is about to get very busy. The kids were obviously happy to resume music lessons and swimming on a Tuesday. Hannah had a ball at her EI on Wed. I baked a cake for them to take to preschool on Thursday to share with their class. Another mum brought in cupcakes so they were all well sugared up by the afternoon. The preschool teacher commented on how well Hannah's speech is going - it is slow but at least she is improving.
Orientations for kindy start soon. Another hurdle. After Halloween I think I'll start organising things for Christmas. Wow - another year already. It's been a pretty good one so far.
Work is going well - althouh it is about to get very busy. The kids were obviously happy to resume music lessons and swimming on a Tuesday. Hannah had a ball at her EI on Wed. I baked a cake for them to take to preschool on Thursday to share with their class. Another mum brought in cupcakes so they were all well sugared up by the afternoon. The preschool teacher commented on how well Hannah's speech is going - it is slow but at least she is improving.
Orientations for kindy start soon. Another hurdle. After Halloween I think I'll start organising things for Christmas. Wow - another year already. It's been a pretty good one so far.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Unbelievable that we have come so far - and still blogging too. Shamptons was created when the twins were 18 months old. It was inspired by my dreams of a life of attainment as opposed to the shambles it so often represented. Now they are 5. Hannah saw her first movie at the cinema today - Astroboy. We knew she'd be scared but also that she might just love it. In the end she liked it more than we expected. The brats played with their toys and then in the afternoon their Nan and Pop came over for birthday cake. After that they continued to play with their new toys until bed time. I think their fifth birthday was a succsess. It's going to be a big one for them and for me - they cos they start school - me - cos they start school. A new adventure looms on the horizon. Happy birthday darlings. I love you both very much.;

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Extra curricular - music and swimming
The twins gave their first ever keyboard concert last month. It was fantastic - DH and I were so proud of the little buggers.


The twins have loved swimming this term. My girlfriend's 12 yo R has come with us many of the weeks and the twins simply adore her - if you ask Hannah who she wants to come to her party she attempts to say R's name loud and proud. They are great mates.

The twins have loved swimming this term. My girlfriend's 12 yo R has come with us many of the weeks and the twins simply adore her - if you ask Hannah who she wants to come to her party she attempts to say R's name loud and proud. They are great mates.
Memory Quilt
I finally finished the memory quilt that Mum had begun before she died. Witht he exception of some of the quilting stitches I am happy with how it turned out. Making it made me realise ust how much pleasure this project must have given Mum when she was so sick and housebound in the last months of her life. For my mum - the most wonderful and amazing woman I have ever known.
Holiday snaps
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Movie World
The kiddies LOVED meeting different characters and having their picture taken with them. Hannah was quite smitten with Tweety so Grandpa boght her a Tweetie tshirt. The bos chose superhero ones with capes attached which they wore just about every day thereafter!!

Kit got the concept of the 'mexican wave' very quickly at the 'Stunt Drivers' show. Hannah liked it but it was SO LOUD that she did spend quite a bit of time clinging to Grandpa and hiding her face in his neck.
Kit got the concept of the 'mexican wave' very quickly at the 'Stunt Drivers' show. Hannah liked it but it was SO LOUD that she did spend quite a bit of time clinging to Grandpa and hiding her face in his neck.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Where are we now?

It's been ages since I've updated - all has been well in the Dock except that my laptop died - hence my camera memory card is full and I have not posted in a while. The brats gave their first keyboard 'performance' which was very exciting. Hannah's glasses returned to us - they are currently a little bent but I will get that seen to when I get home. We were meant to be back in Sydney today but last night Hannah started throwing up and I was worried about her dehydrating so at 11.30 I rang the airlines about changing our flights which were booked for first thing the next morning. Wow - that wasn't a cheap experience - to try and minimise the cost we are on a ridiculously early flight tomorrow now. She is resting and obviously tired but hasn't vomitted now since late last night - so fingers crossed she picks up and neither Kit nor I start exhibiting symptoms.
We have been having a wonderful time up here. The brats thought Movie World was FANTASTIC. Kit has enjoyed marauding with his cousin who is just 1 year older than he. Hannah has mostly left them to it but does sometimes insist on joining in and plays 'Mummys and Daddys' with them for a while each visit. Anyways - hoepfully back in the Dock soon - with some piccies to upload. DH must be lonely without us!
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