Saturday, March 08, 2014

Camping and finding my feet

Well there is another Dad's 'n' Kids camp this weekend. Hannah has chosen not to go. Although her Dad always asks her - he tends to be glad that she chooses to stay home and have a pajama party with me. The group that go away is boy heavy and action packed  - Hannah tends to be quite demanding of his attention in that setting - and her brother engages in high risk physical activities - so supervising is tricky. She also starts to miss me and want to come home much earlier than her brother.

Work has been going well. Last week I had a very stressful day - it's just past the halfway mark and some of our Yr7s are feeling too tired to 'hold it together' in quite the way I'd like. I really feel for them but it does't help to show them that. By and large our spec needs kids are quite immature - one of my darlings had a meltdown in my class. It broke my heart - I felt emotionally knackered because of the tension - but what of him? And his family - this is their 'forever' scenario... I hope we manage to find an equilibrium that works for us and him this year. So I am learning about this new Spec ed gig - and I'd be a liar if I said that on that day last week I wasn't questioning my own sanity - I gave up my classes of devoted seniors for this??? Well YES I did - and I don't regret it, but on a tough day I do wonder what on earth I was thinking!! Of course - that's exactly why I needed to do this - to give myself a chance to work for the benefit of more diverse students. To try and break through the 'mainstream' tide - to help them make a place in a school system.

I think that's one of the key benefits coming to Spec Ed as I do - yes I understand the school issues - I've been a classroom teacher for over 20 years - but I also feel for the families - who don't just have to parent for 6 years.... Still I wish there was unlimited time and resources.

Then again, maybe it's time to .... nah - I still have so much experience to have. To learn my new craft. BTW - have I mentioned that I am returning to Uni this year - talk about a sucker for punishment!

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